信心 - 協助你自由表達,讓創意流動 - 抱著信任,和成功的動機,你的表現將平靜、沉著而有自信 運費~ 1)免費:觀塘寄賣店*取 2)於全店購物滿HK$500 = 》免順豐速遞 3)於全店購物少於HK$500 = 》順豐到付 * 觀塘寄賣店 Sherry Yeung Select 觀塘巧明街109號榮昌工業大廈9樓F室 營業時間: 星期二至日1-8PM


Findhorn Voice Confidence Flower Essences 自信之聲花精: *

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Findhorn Voice Confidence 自信之聲花精


+ 自信地表達自己
+ 口才流利,溝通順暢
+ 認同自己,相信自己

× 因自尊低落,無法完整表達自己
× 害怕批評、否定或犯錯
× 太過在意他人對自己的看法

土木香 相信自己和自己的能力
豌豆 清晰的溝通表達
神聖荊棘 愛自己、接受自己
斗蓬草 細心、平衡而有意識地溝通
白玫瑰 藉由文字和行動,導引創造力
蘇格蘭松 傾聽並信任自己內在的智慧與知見
海冬青 閃耀你的美麗光芒
薊草 內在力量和安全感。心的勇氣

花精噴霧(25 ml):按需要,噴於舌下、皮膚或空間,建議每次噴兩至三下。
口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。

Findhorn Voice Confidence Flower Essences

Let your light, beauty and talent shine


+ express yourself with confidence
+ articulate and communicate clearly and freely

+ feel good about, and believe in yourself

× low self esteem inhibiting full self-expression
× fear of criticism, disapproval or making mistakes
× over concerned with what others think of you

Voice Confidence is made by combining flower essences of Elecampane, Garden Pea, Holy Thorn, Lady’s Mantle, Rose Alba, Scots Pine, Sea Holly and Thistle

How To Use:
Spray (25 ml):2/3 sprays under the tongue, skin or space 3 times daily.
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.