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Findhorn Birthing Flower Essences 平安順產花精: *

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Findhorn Birthing 平安順產花精 


+ 自然地迎接有意識的分娩
+ 在產程中保持冷靜與平衡
+ 信任生命的過程,與自已的感受同在

× 感到緊縮、力量被剝奪
× 因壓抑而阻礙了產程的順暢
× 因為恐懼和抵抗,無法順服於生命之流

香膠 滋養身體與靈魂。鞏固關係。
高麗菜 力量、動力、堅持到底的力氣
帕那賽斯草 開放心房。情感接受性和敏感度。
榛樹 信任事件的發展,順著流走
斗蓬草 連結身與心,最佳化心智和身體的表現
蘇格蘭櫻草 促進放鬆和平靜感
姬星美人 在蛻變中保持平衡

口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。

Findhorn Birthing Flower Essences

Bringing new life into this world with ease and calm


+ open up naturally to conscious birthing
+ maintain calm and balance through a transition
+ trust the process and stay present to your feelings

- feeling contracted and disempowered
- inhibitions obstruct spontaneous processes of birthing
- fear and resistance stops you surrendering to the flow of life

Birthing is made by combining flower essences of Balsam, Cabbage, Grass of Parnassus, Hazel, Lady’s Mantle, Scottish Primrose and Stonecrop.

How To Use:
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.