樂觀開朗 -支援產後情緒起伏 -也適用於面對分離焦慮,兒時創傷 -完成一個大企劃後的情緒起伏 運費~ 1)免費:觀塘寄賣店*取 2)於全店購物滿HK$500 = 》免順豐速遞 3)於全店購物少於HK$500 = 》順豐到付 * 觀塘寄賣店 Sherry Yeung Select 觀塘巧明街109號榮昌工業大廈9樓F室 營業時間: 星期二至日1-8PM


Findhorn Maternal Healing Flower Essences 產後支持花精: *

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Findhorn Maternal Healing 產後支持花精


+ 適應生活各層面的急遽改變
+ 對當下感到愉悅,有信心和動力
+ 在實踐創造力之後,感到充實,
+ 有新的目標

× 成就過後的低潮
× 自尊低落,缺乏自信
× 目標達成後的意興闌珊與失落

古紅豆杉 協助從被限制或受困的感覺解放出來
香膠 溫柔、愛與滋養
荊豆 更新生命力、活力、希望和喜悅
神聖荊棘 開啟心房,向愛與接受開放
蘇格蘭櫻草 放鬆平靜,保持力量
海濱芥 保持並補充內在儲藏的能量
雪花蓮 內在力量和彈性,樂觀希望
獨麗花 接受、不抱怨,堅持與毅力

口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。

Findhorn Maternal Healing Flower Essences

Support for emotional highs and lows after the birth


+ adapting to radical change in every aspect of your life
+ enriched by a sense of purpose after the achievement of a creative cycle
+ feeling confident, motivated and happy in the present moment

× post-achievement blues
× low self esteem and lack of confidence
× anti-climax following the attainment of a goal

Maternal Healing is made by combining flower essences of Ancient Yew, Balsam, Gorse, Holy Thorn, Scottish Primrose, Sea Rocket, Snowdrop and Wintergreen.

How To Use:
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.

* Baby Blues has been renamed Maternal Healing *