鎮定 在壓力或創傷時,緊急救援花精協助釋放相關的焦慮恐懼,平撫痛苦和緊張。 運費~ 1)免費:觀塘寄賣店*取 2)於全店購物滿HK$500 = 》免順豐速遞 3)於全店購物少於HK$500 = 》順豐到付 * 觀塘寄賣店 Sherry Yeung Select 觀塘巧明街109號榮昌工業大廈9樓F室 營業時間: 星期二至日1-8PM


Findhorn Rebalance (First Aid) Flower Essences 緊急救: *

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Findhorn First Aid 緊急救援花精


+ 協助處理大大小小的苦惱
+ 舒緩情緒痛苦和創傷
+ 溫柔、迅速且有效的舒緩

× 情感創傷、沮喪和痛苦
× 壓力與焦慮
× 因為驚嚇或重大創傷所造成的心理和情緒困擾

雛菊 感覺冷靜、安全、穩定
蘇格蘭櫻草 放鬆平靜
鐘石楠 內在力量、彈性與自信
薊草 採取正面行動的勇氣

花精噴霧(25 ml):按需要,噴於舌下、皮膚或空間,建議每次噴兩至三下。
口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。

Findhorn First Aid Flower Essences

Calming, soothing relief in any crisis


+ help to cope with any major or minor distress
+ ease emotional pain and suffering
+ gentle, quick, effective relief

× first aid for emotional wounds, upset or pain
× stress and anxiety
× emotional and psychological symptoms of shock or trauma

First Aid is made by combining flower essences of Bell Heather, Daisy, Scottish Primrose, and Thistle.

How To Use:
Spray (25 ml):2/3 sprays under the tongue, skin or space 3 times daily.
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.