豐盛 -協助培養對自己的信心與內在安全感連結宇宙無限供應的源頭 -顯化你的夢想和目標 運費~ 1)免費:觀塘寄賣店*取 2)於全店購物滿HK$500 = 》免順豐速遞 3)於全店購物少於HK$500 = 》順豐到付 * 觀塘寄賣店 Sherry Yeung Select 觀塘巧明街109號榮昌工業大廈9樓F室 營業時間: 星期二至日1-8PM


Findhorn Prosperity Flower Essences 富饒花精: *

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Findhorn Prosperity 富饒花精


+ 吸引更大的繁榮豐盛進入生命
+ 相信自己達成目標
+ 用正向的意圖塑造自己的未來

× 感到匱乏、不滿足,尚未實現自我
× 自我設限的信念和不安全感
× 憂慮自己的經濟狀況

鐘石楠 信仰、信任和自信
圓葉風鈴草 能倚靠自己,有自我安全感
接骨木 激發熱忱和動力
月桂 組織計畫,將點子化為行動
海濱芥 靈活適應,成功繁榮
高麗菜 達到目標的動機和力量
白玫瑰 由直覺引導的創造力

花精噴霧(25 ml):按需要,噴於舌下、皮膚或空間,建議每次噴兩至三下。
口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。

Findhorn Prosperity Flower Essences

Manifest your dreams and goals – succeed and prosper


+ attract greater prosperity and abundance into your life
+ believe in yourself and achieve your goals
+ shape your future by the positive intentions you hold

× feeling a lack of abundance and self-fulfilment
× self-limiting beliefs and insecurities
× stressed and worried about your financial position 

Prosperity is made by combining flower essences of Bell Heather, Cabbage, Elder, Harebell, Laurel, Rose Alba and Sea Rocket.

How To Use:
Spray (25 ml):2/3 sprays under the tongue, skin or space 3 times daily.
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.