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Findhorn Life Force Flower Essences 生命力花精: *

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Findhorn Life Force 生命力花精


+ 活力充沛,精神飽滿,興致盎然
+ 啟動身體與生俱來的復原力
+ 重燃對生命的熱情和興趣

× 情感或活力枯竭
× 身心疲憊
× 昏沉、提不起勁、缺乏活力

荊豆 活力、動力和熱忱
接骨木 刺激身體的自然回春力
洋桐槭 平靜、溫柔的力量和毅力
纈草 放輕鬆、活潑有活力
帕那賽斯草 全然而全心地讓自己接受療癒

花精噴霧(25 ml):按需要,噴於舌下、皮膚或空間,建議每次噴兩至三下。
口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。

Findhorn Life Force Flower Essences

Boost your energy, alleviate tiredness and restore vitality


+ feel more vibrant, energetic and lively
+ stimulate your body’s natural recuperative powers
+ recover your enthusiasm and zest for life

× emotionally and energetically depleted
× physical and mental fatigue
× feeling lethargic and lacking vitality

Life Force is made by combining flower essences of Elder, Gorse, Grass of Parnassus, Sycamore and Valerian.

How To Use:
Spray (25 ml):2/3 sprays under the tongue, skin or space 3 times daily.
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.