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Findhorn Femininity Flower Essences 女性能量花精: *

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Findhorn Femininity 女性能量花精


+ 在人生的轉變期,感到安心穩定
+ 心情和性情皆和諧穩定
+ 對自己放鬆一點

× 關於女性能量和情感議題
× 焦慮煩躁、心情擺盪
× 感到被擊垮,難以承受,反應過度

香膠 愛與滋養身體。情感表達。
神聖荊棘 愛自己,接受自己。
接骨木 活力。刺激自癒力。
海濱芥 培養內在安全感與穩定感。充電、更新。
蘇格蘭櫻草 放鬆。內在和諧與平靜。
洋桐槭 重獲能量流的溫柔與溫和
花揪樹 釋放緊張和痛苦
斗蓬草 平衡並和諧心情與脾氣

花精噴霧(25 ml):按需要,噴於舌下、皮膚或空間,建議每次噴兩至三下。
口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。

Findhorn Femininity Flower Essences

Support for female wellbeing


+ feel settled and stable during transitional periods
+ harmonise your mood and temperament
+ relax and be easy on yourself

× energetic and emotional issues symptomatic to women
× anxiety, irritability and mood swings
× feeling overwhelmed and overreacting to things 

Feminity is made up by combining flower essences of Balsam, Elder, Holy Thorn, Lady's Mantle, Rowan, Scottish Primrose, Sea Rocket and Sycamore. 

How To Use:
Spray (25 ml):2/3 sprays under the tongue, skin or space 3 times daily.
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.