好好睡 - 平靜你的能量 - 保持自然韻律 - 助你找回內心的平衡和平靜 運費~ 1)免費:觀塘寄賣店*取 2)於全店購物滿HK$500 = 》免順豐速遞 3)於全店購物少於HK$500 = 》順豐到付 * 觀塘寄賣店 Sherry Yeung Select 觀塘巧明街109號榮昌工業大廈9樓F室 營業時間: 星期二至日1-8PM
+ 好好安睡
+ 沉靜思緒,鬆解身心
+ 醒來精神好、煥然一新
× 睡眠易受干擾
× 大腦過度活躍,使你輾轉難眠
× 失去和內在生理時鐘的連結
蘇格蘭櫻草 放鬆。內在平靜與和諧
纈草 當身心被急促、憂慮、緊張或壓力壓垮時,協助放輕鬆
斗蓬草 放鬆進入更深層的意識。協助理解夢境和象徵
帕那賽斯草 紓緩。溫柔而敏感
樺樹 釋放憂慮和擔心。找到內心的平靜
成分:水和有機干邑白蘭地(ABV = 12%)。
口服滴瓶(30 ml):一天三次、每次七滴,直接滴於舌下。
適合成人、兒童和動物。 懷孕期間可安全使用。
+ get more restful sleep
+ quiet your mind and calm your body
+ wake up rested and refreshed
× disturbed sleeping patterns
× overactive mind and restlessness keep you awake
× out of sync with your internal clock
Sweet Dreams is made by combining flower essences of Birch, Grass of Parnassus, Lady's Mantle, Scottish Primrose, and Valerian.
How To Use:
Dropped (30 ml) : 7 drops per time under the tongue or warm water, 3 times daily.
Suitable for adults, children and animals. Safe to use during pregnancy.