+ 感到安全、積極而強壯
+ 防禦和增強自己的能量場
+ 和他人互動時不會吸收負面能量
× 對外界的負能量極度敏感
× 無法設立界線,無法讓自己遠離有害的人
× 對情緒或心靈攻擊產生的焦慮反應
雛菊 平靜、穩定與自信
薊草 內在安全感和力量。
白玫瑰 連結並導引創造力
西洋菜 轉化負面能量,強化內在防禦
玉杯 清楚的識別判斷
古紅豆杉 設定清楚的界線,保持自身的力量
獨麗花 即使在艱難時刻,仍能保持清醒覺察
Psychic Protection Combination Essence is for anyone who is vulnerable or overwhelmed and needs to feel safe and protected.
Psychic Protection can:-
- be used to overcome agitation and inner turmoil as a result find a sense of peace and protection
- detach from negative thoughts, people or situations when you feel vulnerable or overwhelmed
- cast off the burdens that hold you back and clear stagnant energies in order to banish fear
- find inner strength and courage by letting go of uncertainty and following your intuition.
- is useful for anyone who feels threatened or bullied by another persons’ behaviour and can be helpful to children when there are negative situations between classmates
- build up inner strength and resilience to enable you to stay calm
- is useful during periods of stress such as exam time
- help you feel safe, calm and strong in difficult times
- be effective in supporting the base or root chakra associated with support and foundations